Wide variety of Lash & Brow Tinting to suit every type of client. We stock Ciaobrow Henna Fusion, PE Cosmetics as our hybrid tints, & Inlei, and Refectocil as our regular tints.
Showing 31 products
60 Disc eye pads (30 treatments or 60 treatments if using only for undereye when cut in half) Stunning Add-on Treatment for your clients getting brows, lashes etc. or a lovely treat to add to your clients homecare. The must-have...
PRODUCT TYPE: Lash & Brow Care
Ciaobrow FUSION has been conceived after thorough research and taking into account the inputs from our Master brow and lash trainers here at Ciaobrow. Prepared using the most innovative methods and top-quality ingredients, the Ciaobrow FUSION offers shades to cater...
This includes 1 Ciaobrow Hybrid Tint Henna Fusion Tube & 1 Bottle of Ciaobrow Developer. Ciaobrow FUSION has been conceived after thorough research and taking into account the inputs from our Master brow and lash trainers here at Ciaobrow. Prepared...
PRODUCT TYPE: Lash & Brow Products
InLei® Eyelash & Eyebrow Dyes give you everything you need to achieve perfect results in coloring eyelashes and eyebrows. Produced in an Italian laboratory with the highest quality methods and ingredients, this wide range of different tint colors allows you...
PRODUCT TYPE: Lash & Brow Products
OVERLY STRONG TINT DEVELOPERS CAN DAMAGE THE HAIR! Did you know that in order to maintain the health of the eyebrow and eyelash hairs during the tinting procedure, your tint developer needs to have a specific percentage of hydrogen peroxide? That’s...
PRODUCT TYPE: Lash & Brow Products
Every lash and brow artist knows the stress of accidentally staining your client’s skin in the least desirable spot, during the tinting procedure! But fear not, InLei® has a product which can turn those stressful situations into much more pleasant...
PRODUCT TYPE: Lash & Brow Products
Especially recommended for tinting eyelashes and eyebrows of clients who have black or dark brown hair – for the most beautiful black styles!
Graphite is ideal for naturally covering and subtly darkening greying or white hair. Mixing with Graphite lets other RefectoCil colours show a cooler tone. Recommended also for men who wish for naturally emphasised eyes. Each 15ml tube is sufficient for...
PRODUCT TYPE: Lash & Brow Products
A black colour with a blue lustre providing additional depth to the tinting result. Ideal for clients who wish ‘a bit more’ than pure black; the colour goes very well with certain types of faces or eye make-up.
PRODUCT TYPE: Lash & Brow Products
A very dark, well covering brown which is ideal for clients with natural brown hair, who prefer a natural look. The eyelashes will be visible in their full length, look more voluminous and naturally beautiful.
PRODUCT TYPE: Lash & Brow Products
Suitable for a discreet, natural looking enhancement of light blonde to light brown eyelashes and eyebrows, if RefectoCil No. 3 natural brown is perceived to be too dark.
Chestnut is a warm brown shade with subtle red tones for lashes and brows! Brown lashes and brows with a reddish shimmer Mixable with all 8 RefectoCil tints for warm colour accents Smudge- and waterproof Lasts 6 weeks STEP 1:...